INI-file documentation for WServer

Black values: Maintained by from inside the application/by the application
Green values: Created by the application, maintained by manually editing
Red values: Created and maintained by manually editing
Remember to shut down the application BEFORE making any changes.

Serial=COM2 Serial port to communicate through
WStationID=660000000AC33C12 Weather station unique ID
Longitude=10.744287 Longitude in . notation
Latitude=63.426863 Latitude in . notation
LogEnabled=1 Logging of data to file, there MUST exist a subdirectory DATA for this to work
LogInterval=10 Logging interval, in minutes
SummaryEnabled=1 Writing of a daily summary enabled?
LogStatusToFile=1 Application status log written to file WSERVER.LOG
UDPEnabled=1 UDP broadcast enabled
UDPPort=8890 Port used for UDP
TCPEnabled=1 TCP server enabled
TCPPort=8888 Port used for TCP server
Timezone=2 Timezone is usually read from the OS, but if needed, can it be inserted here manually
DST=1 Daylight Savings Time is usually read from the OS, but if needed, can it be inserted here manually (0 or 1)
DatabaseURL= URL for HTTP post to a database, using MS IIS Active Server Pages
WindSpeedZoomY=1.0 These settings controls the zoom (upper value of windgraph)
RainZoomY=1.0 These settings controls the zoom (upper value of raingraph)
Celsius=1 Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature selected
WCUpperLimit=7 Upper limit for windchill being printed on the HTML
WindGraphFill=1 Filled or not below 1-minute average wind graph
Daily reset time
Saves open/closed state of the different windows between sessions

[FTP] Settings regarding the FTP transfers
FTPUploadEnabled=1 Enabled or not?
FTPHostName= FTP host (server)
FTPHostDirName=www_docs Host directory
FTPUserName=arnsvein@ FTP username, if you have to go through a firewall, here is one way to do it.
FTPPassWord=XXxxXXxx Password, 'nuff said.
FTPHostFileName=weather.html Name of the uploaded HTML, on the HOST side
FTPVerboseLogging=0 More logging enabled/disabled
FTPInterval=10 Interval between uploads, in minutes
FTPTryTwice=0 Try two times, if first upload fails,
UploadGIFs=1 Upload the generated GIFs
UploadGIFsHTML=1 Upload the HTML surrounding them
UploadXML=1 upload the generated XML
FTPBinary=0 Binary upload of the GIFs
Timeout=5 Timeout before giving up connecting.
FTPPASV=0 Passive FTP transfer
FTPLogSuccess=1 Logging of successful FTP transfer

[HTML] Settings regarding HTML generation
HTMLTableWidth=320 Total width in pixels of the table
HTMLFontSize=2 HTML font size
MAPBlast=0 Display map generated by MAPBLast, or your own picture
BEAUFORTNumbers=1 Display Beaufort numbers for the different wind names (1-12)
BEAUFORTName=1 Display Beaufort names for the different wind: Breeze, Gale and so on
SaveBMPInterval=19 Interval in minutes between saving of the graphs (.GIF)
SaveBMPEnabled=1 Saving of the graphs (.GIF) enabled?
StaticMAP=1 Use a static picture instead of the autogenerated MAPBlast ?
MAPSrc=maps/map.gif Relative path to this picture (on your webserver, of course)
GraphBGColor=0 Background color on the graphs
PrintGIFs=1 Show the GIF's inside the table
PrintSunriseSunset=1 Show the sunrise/sunset values on the HTML
PrintRainReset=1 Show when the rain gauge was last reset
GIFTransparent=0 Transparent background on the generated gif/graphs
TempGraphMax=24 Upper limit of temperature graph
TempGraphMin=-6 Lower limit of temperatur graph
DPWCGraphMax=24 Upper limit of dewpoint/temperature/windchill graph
DPWCGraphMin=-6 Lower limit of dewpoint/temperature/windchill graph

DS1820Selected=2 Selected temperature sensor for posting/display

DS2438Selected=1 Selected humidity sensor for posting/display

[SERVLET] Settings regarding Dallas Servlet posting
Interval=10 Time in minutes between postings

[PROXY] Settings regarding proxy, used by Weather Underground AND Dallas Servlet posting
Address= IP address or DNS name
Enabled=1 Use proxy or not
PORT=8080 Port to use

[HTTP] Settings regarding the internal webserver

[WUNDERGROUND] Settings regarding Weather Underground posting
Interval=10 Time in minutes between postings
Password=your PW User ID and password assigned at Weather Underground
UserID=ISTN-75xx User ID and password assigned at Weather Underground
URL=http://.../updateweatherstation.php URL
LogSuccess=1 Logging enabled or not
Enabled=1 Posting enabled or not

[W4U] Settings regarding WeatherForYou posting
Interval=10 Time in minutes between postings
Password=your PW User ID and password assigned at
UserID=SMISKARETxxx User ID and password assigned at
URL=http://.../vwsupdate.php URL
LogSuccess=1 Logging enabled or not
Enabled=1 Posting enabled or not

[EC0008000540C910] Temperature sensor, (ID = serial number)
Description=Outdoor temperature Description, used to know which sensor it is
TempCorrection=0.0 If the sensor reads high/low, correct it here (in degrees Celsius)
HighAlarm=35.0 Upper limit for temperature sensor, alarm goes off when exceeded. (Celsius)
LowAlarm=-20.0 Lower limit for temperature sensor, alarm goes off when below. (Celsius)
AcousticAlarm=0 Acoustic alarm enabled or not
Read=1 Should this sensor be actually read?
(if you temporarly want to exclude any of the sensors from the application, shut down WServer, set this value to 0 and start WServer)
BoostTime=800 For override of the internal temperature conversion time in the DS1820,
Value in milliseconds. Default 1000 ms (Value missing)
Debug=1 For debugging of the DS1820 sensors, writes more info to the status log when problems reading the temperature sensors.
Default 0 (Value missing)
current_temp=2.9 Temperature at latest shutdown
max_temp=3.3 Max temperature experienced since reset
max_temp_t=974641961 Timestamp for that event
min_temp=-1.6 Min temperature experienced since reset
min_temp_t=974618670 Timestamp for that event
PrintOnHTML=1 Print this sensor on the generated HTML
GraphColor=7 Color of graph line (values from 1-16, described in GraphColor.txt)
Plot=1 Plot this sensor on the graph
Log=1 Log this sensor to file (sensordescription-monthnumberyear.txt)
Celsius=1 Temperature unit, Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Internally Celsius is allways used.

[2100000006954326] Humidity sensor, (ID = serial number)
Type=Humidity For future expansion, DS2438 can be used to other things than humidity...
current_temp=2.9 Temperature at latest shutdown
max_temp=3.3 Max temperature experienced since reset
max_temp_t=974641961 Timestamp for that event
min_temp=-1.6 Min temperature experienced since reset
min_temp_t=974618670 Timestamp for that event
current_hum=71.9 Humidity at latest shutdown
max_hum=78.3 Max humidity experienced since reset
max_hum_t=976787454 Timestamp for that event
min_hum=71.0 Min humidity experienced since reset
min_hum_t=976812245 Timestamp for that event
Celsius=1 Temperature unit, Celsius or Fahrenheit.
TempDescription=Outdoor temperature Description of the DS2438 temperature sensor, used to know which sensor it is
HumDescription=Outdoor humidity Description of the DS2438 attached humidity sensor, used to know which sensor it is
LightDescription=Outdoor light Description of the DS2438 attached light sensor, used to know which sensor it is
PrintOnHTML=1 Print this sensor on the generated HTML
PlotTemp=1 Plot temperature from this sensor on the graph
PlotHum=1 Plot humidity from this sensor on the graph
Log=1 Log this sensors to file (sensordescription-monthnumberyear.txt)

[Rain_Gauge] Rain gauge section
Address=BA00000000FF151D Serial of rain gauge counter, info only
ResetTime=958703262 Time of total reset
LastCountTime=974647750 Time of last count, used to find rate/hour
StartCounter=1160 Counter at total reset
RunningCounter=2332 Current counter value
TodayCounter=2332 Counter at midnight/daily reset time
MonthCounter=2329 Counter at first day of month
AutoRainReset=0 Automatic total reset every new month
WeeklyRain=0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Counts pr day for a 7-day period, this one has 2 counts on Saturday
RainUnitInch=0 Measure rain in inches? if not, mm
RateMinutes Minutes to use when calculating rate/hour (values from 5-60 minutes)
PrintOnHTML=1 Print this sensor on the generated HTML
Log=1 Log this sensor to file (RainGauge-monthnumberyear.txt)
CountsPrInch=94 This one is of some importance, if you never got that calibration exactly at 100 counts, you can enter YOUR number here, and get a more accurate reading.

[WindSensor] Wind stuff...
MaxSpeed=4.6 Max wind since reset, in rev/sec
MaxSpeedTime=974663439 Time at that event
MaxSpeedDir=8 Wind direction at the moment
MinAvgSpeed=0.7 Average wind/minute
HourAvgSpeed=0.9 Average wind/hour
DayAvgSpeed=0.8 Average wind/24 hours
Internal values for calculating the average wind changes over time if sampling goes faster/slower
Unit=0 Wind unit: (0, 1, 2, 3 gives m/s, km/h, mp/h, knots)
NorthIndex=0 If the first serial of INI.TXT is NOT North, you can select which is
CntsPrRev=2 Counts per revolution, compensate for missing magnet. Values 1 or 2 accepted

!! All values contained here EXCEPT those in GREEN and RED are purely storage of internal values for the application, and are NOT intended to be manually changed here !!