Get data in your database using HTTP post
If you enter your url in WSERVER.INI in the following format: **************************************************************** DatabaseURL=http://<dbserveraddress>/<path>/weatherinsert.asp, (like **************************************************************** and restarts WServer, then, using something like my attached .ASP-file on your server, you can extract posted data every time you have it selected to log to file, like every 10 minute as I am doing. The format is as follows (also check the .ASP to see some ideas): TEMP=current_temp&WIND=current_wind&PEAK=gust_wind&DIR=avg_wind_direction&RAIN=rain_current_month&RAINRATE=rain_rate Like: TEMP=33.2&WIND=5.7&PEAK=9.8&DIR=NNW&RAIN=12.18&RAINRATE=0.00 |