INI-file documentation for WServer

I have selected to save configuration data in a couple of INI-files.
I think it's easier editing values here than somewhere inside the registry, if it should be necessary.

Application specific variables in WSERVER.INI, sensor-spesific variables in SENSORS.INI.

The only thing I save in registry is placement on screen of the various dialogs,

All other configuration is inside the INI's:
Black values: Maintained from inside the application/by the application
Green values: Created by the application, maintained by manually editing
Red values: Created and maintained by manually editing
Remember to shut down the application BEFORE making any changes.

Serial=COM2 Serial port to communicate through
WStationID=660000000AC33C12 Weather station unique ID
Longitude=10.744287 Longitude in . notation
Latitude=63.426863 Latitude in . notation
LogEnabled=1 Logging of data to file, there MUST exist a subdirectory DATA for this to work
LogInterval=10 Logging interval, in minutes
SummaryEnabled=1 Writing of a daily summary enabled?
LogStatusToFile=1 Application status log written to file WSERVER.LOG
UDPEnabled=1 UDP broadcast enabled
UDPPort=8890 Port used for UDP
TCPEnabled=1 TCP server enabled
TCPPort=8888 Port used for TCP server
Timezone=2 Timezone is usually read from the OS, but if needed, can it be inserted here manually to override OS values
DST=1 Daylight Savings Time is usually read from the OS, but if needed, can it be inserted here manually (0 or 1)
DatabaseURL= URL for HTTP post to a database, using something like MS IIS ASP script
Debug=0 Debug mode of logging can be enabled on the LOG flip in WServer
WindSpeedZoomY=1.0 These settings controls the zoom (upper value of windgraph)
RainZoomY=1.0 These settings controls the zoom (upper value of raingraph)
Celsius=1 Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature selected
WCUpperLimit=7 Upper limit for windchill being printed on the HTML
WindGraphFill=1 Filled or not below 1-minute average wind graph
Daily reset time
Saves open/closed state of the different windows between sessions
LogDirInDegrees=0 Logging of direction in name (WSW, SE and so on) or degrees out of north
SampleInterval=1000 Interval between each sample taken, in milliseconds

[FTP] Settings regarding the FTP transfers
FTPUploadEnabled=1 Enabled or not?
FTPHostName= FTP host (server)
FTPHostDirName=www_docs Host directory
FTPUserName=arnsvein@ FTP username, if you have to go through a firewall, here is one way to do it.
FTPPassWord=XXxxXXxx Password, 'nuff said.
FTPHostFileName=weather.html Name of the uploaded HTML, on the HOST side
FTPInterval=10 Interval between uploads, in minutes
UploadGIFs=1 Upload the generated GIFs
UploadGIFsHTML=1 Upload the HTML surrounding them
UploadXML=1 upload the generated XML
FTPBinary=0 Binary upload of the GIFs
Timeout=5 Timeout before giving up connecting.
FTPPASV=0 Passive FTP transfer
FTPLogSuccess=1 Logging of successful FTP transfer

[HTML] Settings regarding HTML generation
HTMLTableWidth=320 Total width in pixels of the table
HTMLFontSize=2 HTML font size
MAPBlast=0 Display map generated by MAPBLast, or your own picture
BEAUFORTNumbers=1 Display Beaufort numbers for the different wind names (1-12)
BEAUFORTName=1 Display Beaufort names for the different wind: Breeze, Gale and so on
SaveBMPInterval=19 Interval in minutes between saving of the graphs (.GIF)
SaveBMPEnabled=1 Saving of the graphs (.GIF) enabled?
StaticMAP=1 Use a static picture instead of the autogenerated MAPBlast ?
MAPSrc=maps/map.gif Relative path to this picture (on your webserver, of course)
GraphBGColor=0 Background color on the graphs
PrintGIFs=1 Show the GIF's inside the table
PrintSunriseSunset=1 Show the sunrise/sunset values on the HTML
PrintRainReset=1 Show when the rain gauge was last reset
GIFTransparent=0 Transparent background on the generated gif/graphs
GIFLinks=1 Create links to the gifs on the HTML
TempGraphMax=24 Upper limit of temperature graph
TempGraphMin=-6 Lower limit of temperatur graph
DPWCGraphMax=24 Upper limit of dewpoint/temperature/windchill graph
DPWCGraphMin=-6 Lower limit of dewpoint/temperature/windchill graph
WindGraphMax=80 Upper limit of windspeed graph (for proper windhist.gif)
RainGraphMax=20 Upper limit of rain amount graph (for proper rainhist.gif)

DS1820Selected=2 Selected temperature sensor for posting/display
ReadInterval=60 Interval between reading DS1820 sensors

DS2438Selected=1 Selected humidity sensor for posting/display
ReadInterval=60 Interval between reading DS2438 sensors

[APRSWXNET] Settings regarding APRSWXNET posting
UserID=CW00xx User ID assigned at Address of APRSWXNET server to send data to
Port=2023 TCP port on that server
LogSuccess=1 Logging enabled or notTime in minutes between postings
Enabled=1 Posting enabled or not
Interval=10 Time in minutes between postings
Lat=6325.50N Latitude, in ddmm.hh, ie: degrees, minutes and hundreths of minutes
Lon=01045.00E Longitude, in ddmm.hh, ie: degrees, minutes and hundreths of minutes. Longitude has three digits of degrees and leading zero digits cannot be ommited

[PROXY] HTTP proxy settings, used by Weather Underground, Weather4You and Dallas Servlet posting
Address= IP address or DNS name
Enabled=1 Use proxy or not
PORT=8080 Port to use

[HTTP] Settings regarding the internal webserver

[XML] XML settings
GenerateEnabled=1 Generate XML output enabled or not
IncludeXSL=0 Include XSL stylesheet reference in XML output

[SERVLET] Settings regarding Dallas Servlet posting
LogSuccess=1 Logging enabled or not
Enabled=1 Posting enabled or not
Interval=10 Time in minutes between postings
URL=http://.../WeatherServlet URL

[WUNDERGROUND] Settings regarding Weather Underground posting
Interval=10 Time in minutes between postings
Password=your PW User ID and password assigned at
UserID=ISTN-75xx User ID and password assigned at
URL=http://.../updateweatherstation.php URL
LogSuccess=1 Logging enabled or not
Enabled=1 Posting enabled or not

[W4U] Settings regarding WeatherForYou posting
Interval=10 Time in minutes between postings
Password=your PW User ID and password assigned at
UserID=SMISKARETxxx User ID and password assigned at
URL=http://.../vwsupdate.php URL
LogSuccess=1 Logging enabled or not
Enabled=1 Posting enabled or not

[EC0008000540C910] Temperature sensor, (ID = serial number)
Type=Temperature Type of device
SwitchPort=MAIN Port of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (empty if direct connection)
SwitchSerial=EA00000000FF161F Serial of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (empty if direct connection)
Description=Outdoor temperature Description, used to know which sensor it is
TempMultiplier=1.0 If the sensor reads high/low, correct it here (in degrees Celsius):
TempOffset=0.0 Formula is Output value = Original reading * TempMultiplier + TempOffset
HighAlarm=35.0 Upper limit for temperature sensor, alarm goes off when exceeded. (Celsius)
LowAlarm=-20.0 Lower limit for temperature sensor, alarm goes off when below. (Celsius)
AcousticAlarm=0 Acoustic alarm enabled or not
Read=1 Should this sensor be actually read?
(if you temporarly want to exclude any of the sensors from the application, shut down WServer, set this value to 0 and start WServer)
BoostTime=800 For override of the internal temperature conversion time in the DS1820,
Value in milliseconds. Default 1000 ms (Value missing)
Debug=1 For debugging of the DS1820 sensors, writes more info to the status log when problems reading the temperature sensors.
Default 0 (Value missing)
current_temp=2.9 Temperature at latest shutdown
max_temp=3.3 Max temperature experienced since reset
max_temp_t=974641961 Timestamp for that event
min_temp=-1.6 Min temperature experienced since reset
min_temp_t=974618670 Timestamp for that event
PrintOnHTML=1 Print this sensor on the generated HTML
GraphColor=7 Color of graph line (values from 1-16, described in GraphColor.txt)
Plot=1 Plot this sensor on the graph
Log=1 Log this sensor to file (sensordescription-monthnumberyear.txt)
Celsius=1 Temperature unit, Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Internally Celsius is allways used.

[2102000006954326] Barometric sensor, (ID = serial number)
Type=Barometer Must be manually set to Type=Barometer for WServer to read/calculate barometric pressure
SwitchPort=AUX Port of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (NONE if direct connection)
SwitchSerial=EA00000000FF161F Serial of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (empty if direct connection)
TempMultiplier=1.0 If the sensor reads high/low temperatures, correct it here::
TempOffset=0.0 Formula is Output value = Original reading * TempMultiplier + TempOffset
BaroMultiplier=1.0 If the sensor reads high/low, correct it here:
BaroOffset=0.0 Formula is Output value = Original reading * HumMultiplier + HumOffset
current_temp=2.9 Temperature at latest shutdown
max_temp=3.3 Max temperature experienced since reset
max_temp_t=974641961 Timestamp for that event
min_temp=-1.6 Min temperature experienced since reset
min_temp_t=974618670 Timestamp for that event
current_baro=31.9 Humidity at latest shutdown
max_baro=32.3 Max humidity experienced since reset
max_baro_t=976787454 Timestamp for that event
min_baro=29.0 Min humidity experienced since reset
min_baro_t=976812245 Timestamp for that event
Celsius=1 Temperature unit, Celsius or Fahrenheit.
TempDescription=Outdoor temperature Description of the DS2438 temperature sensor, used to know which sensor it is
Calibration values, from running baroCalibrate
hiBar=30.7 Upper limit of range
loBar=28.7 Lower limit of range
Vhi=3.25 VAD that is output when HiBar is input to the barometer
Vlow=1.25 VAD that is output when LoBar in input to the barometer
Metric=1 Output in inHg (US style, Metric=0) or hPa (Metric=1)

[2100000006954326] Humidity sensor, (ID = serial number)
Type=Humidity Must be manually set to Type=Humidity for WServer to read/calculate humidity
SwitchPort=AUX Port of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (NONE if direct connection)
SwitchSerial=EA00000000FF161F Serial of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (empty if direct connection)
TempMultiplier=1.0 If the sensor reads high/low, correct it here::
TempOffset=0.0 Formula is Output value = Original reading * TempMultiplier + TempOffset
HumMultiplier=1.0 If the sensor reads high/low, correct it here:
HumOffset=0.0 Formula is Output value = Original reading * HumMultiplier + HumOffset
current_temp=2.9 Temperature at latest shutdown
max_temp=3.3 Max temperature experienced since reset
max_temp_t=974641961 Timestamp for that event
min_temp=-1.6 Min temperature experienced since reset
min_temp_t=974618670 Timestamp for that event
current_hum=71.9 Humidity at latest shutdown
max_hum=78.3 Max humidity experienced since reset
max_hum_t=976787454 Timestamp for that event
min_hum=71.0 Min humidity experienced since reset
min_hum_t=976812245 Timestamp for that event
Celsius=1 Temperature unit, Celsius or Fahrenheit.
TempDescription=Outdoor temperature Description of the DS2438 temperature sensor, used to know which sensor it is
HumDescription=Outdoor humidity Description of the DS2438 attached humidity sensor, used to know which sensor it is
CurrentDescription=Current reading description Description of the DS2438 current reading
PrintOnHTML=1 Print this sensor on the generated HTML
PlotTemp=1 Plot temperature from this sensor on the graph
PlotHum=1 Plot humidity from this sensor on the graph
Log=1 Log this sensors to file (sensordescription-monthnumberyear.txt)
min_volt_limit=4 Minimum input voltage for humidity sensor

[BA00000000FF151D] Rain gauge (ID = serial number)
Type=RainGauge Type of counter, must be set to RainGauge for WServer to separate it from windspeed & regular counters
SwitchPort= Port of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (NONE if direct connection)
SwitchSerial= Serial of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (empty if direct connection)
ResetTime=958703262 Time of total reset
LastCountTime=974647750 Time of last count, used to find rate/hour
StartCounter=1160 Counter at total reset
RunningCounter=2332 Current counter value
TodayCounter=2332 Counter at midnight/daily reset time
MonthCounter=2329 Counter at first day of month
AutoRainReset=0 Automatic total reset every new month
WeeklyRain=0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Counts pr day for a 7-day period, this one has 2 counts on Saturday
RainUnitInch=0 Measure rain in inches? if not, mm
RateMinutes=10 Minutes to use when calculating rate/hour (values from 5-60 minutes)
PrintOnHTML=1 Print this sensor on the generated HTML
Log=1 Log this sensor to file (RainGauge-monthnumberyear.txt)
CountsPrInch=94 This one is of some importance, if you never got that calibration exactly at 100 counts, you can enter YOUR number here, and get a more accurate reading. IMPORTANT: Only integers between 50 and 200 (no 78.45 value allowed here!)

[CB00000000FF161D] Windspeed (ID = serial number)
Type=WindSpeed Type of counter, must be set to WindSpeed for WServer to separate it from raingauge & regular counters
SwitchPort=MAIN Port of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (NONE if direct connection)
SwitchSerial=8800000000FF411F Serial of DS2409-based HUB used to connect this sensor (empty if direct connection)
MaxSpeed=4.6546412 Max wind since reset, in rev/sec
MaxSpeedTime=974663439 Time at that event
MaxSpeedDir=8 Wind direction at the moment
MinAvgSpeed=0.7 Average wind/minute
HourAvgSpeed=0.9 Average wind/hour
DayAvgSpeed=0.8 Average wind/24 hours
Internal values for calculating the average wind changes over time if sampling goes faster/slower
Unit=0 Wind unit: (0, 1, 2, 3 gives m/s, km/h, mp/h, knots)
CntsPrRev=2 Counts per revolution, compensate for missing magnet. Values 1 or 2 accepted

[CB00000000FF1612] DS2409-based HUB/Coupler (ID = serial number)
Type=MLanCoupler Type of device, info only
Description=Port A Description, used to know which port this is

[EA00000000FF1612] Wind direction, original DS2407-based (ID = serial number)
Type=WindDirection Type of device, info only
NorthIndex=3 If the first serial of INI.TXT is NOT North, you can select which is. Also for use one the V3

[EA00000000FF1620] Wind direction, new DS2450-based (ID = serial number) If necessary, change from Type=DS2450
Type=WindDirection Type of device, info only
NorthIndex=3 Adjust in Configuration until North is North... :-)

!! All values contained here EXCEPT those in GREEN and RED are purely storage of internal values for the application, and are NOT intended to be manually changed !!